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To the cowardly among us:

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In the years since 9/11 the most cowardly among us, waving flags and bleating in loud voices “The War on Terrorism”, have cut and whittled away at the rights of the rest of us in order to gain for themselves and their posterity a half a percent, of a half a percent, of a half a percent of perceived security.

And, to my shame, I have remained basically silent. Partly it’s because the little old ladies, whatever their age and gender, who are terrified of Al Qaeda sneaking a bomb into their stocking drawer really are scared . . . and you­–or at least I– feel bad picking on them for it.  Partly because it’s hard to argue against security measures, and especially difficult in an atmosphere of paranoia and panic. It sounds like you’re calling people cowards. Especially since they are being cowardly. And that doesn’t tend to make you lots of friends.

Yes, I have snorted in disgust and muttered about the senselessness of it But, for the most part, I have stayed demurely off soap boxes.


Now, in the name of “holy security” our government–in our name–is denying a place to the very poor and huddled masses for whom Lady Liberty lifts her torch beside the Golden Door. Now not only are we forced to sacrifice our liberty to Miss Grundy’s paranoia, but also our basic human decency.

I won’t do it! I can’t!

In the words of another crackpot from an earlier age: Here I stand. I can do no other.

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